Essay about myself or My aim or My Ambition in life

In this article, I have given the essay on my aim in life. This is written in simple English and is easy to learn. I have given outlines so that students easily learn it by outlines. This essay is for F.A and B.A students. I have used simple language and words in this essay.

Essay about myself or My aim in life


1. Introduction

2. My aim is to be an engineer

3. How I am preparing to become an engineer 

4. What I shall do after becoming an engineer.

5. Conclusion 


Every student should have a definite life aim and be well-informed about the profession they wish to adopt. There are quite a few professions,. A student should choose one to them, and carefully prepare for it.

My aim in life is to become an engineer. I intend to be a civil engineer after completing my education. I have made the choice of the engineering profession after a great deal of thought. I like this profession from the heart. It suits me well.

I am getting educated to become an engineer. I am preparing myself for the engineering profession with great effort. I am studying subjects like physics and mathematics at my colleges.. these subjects are essential for the study of engineering. So I study them very carefully. I study my books on physics in detail. I study the formulas and problems of mathematics with a great deal of care.

I also study English with devotion. I know that most of my books on the subjects of engineering will be in English. I like to improve my knowledge of English as much as possible Then I shall e able to understand my books on engineering well. I shall also be able to follow the lectures on engineering easily. I may go to another country for advanced studies in engineering. There I shall have to read, write, and speak English.

I am very fond of visiting engineering works under construction. I like to visit huge bridges, dams, buildings factories, roads, etc. Under construction. I observe the different ways in which these works are being constructed. I observe how engineers and experts use their technical knowledge and skills in the performance of their duties. I also take notes on some technical and important points in my notebooks. I shall be keeping these notebooks with me for my future use as a student of engineering.

As a civil inginner, I shall like to take part in the designing and construction of big bridges and dams in Pakistan. In this way, I shall be putting all my knowledge of engineering to a very good use. I shall be taking part in nation-building activities. I shall be doing my bit to provide facilities to the people through these engineering works. 

The bridges designed and built by me and others over canals, rivers, etc. will be used by the traveling public. The dams constructed under my guidance will provide water to thousands of farmers or their fields and will help them to grow good crops These dams will also help in the production of hydr0-electricity and in controlling floods.

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