The Short story Breakfast by (john Steinbeck) Summary, theme and questions

In this article, I have discussed the summary, theme, and important questions of the short sotory The Breakfast. It is a very interesting and good story that is included in the syllabus of my B.A. at Punjab University.

The short story " Breakfast" By John Steinbeck


John Steinbeck is a well-known American short story writer and novelist.  Most of his stories deal with the manners and habits of poor poor and village people. The story " Breakfast" is about a poor family which works hard to fulfill their needs. They work hard for a better living. The family leads a simple life. They are leading a contented life.

The writer met a poor family in the morning while walking. He was having a walk in the valley. He walked along a country road. He saw a tent ahead of him. An old stove are laying there. The writer saw a young woman sitting beside the stove. She was dressed in a faded cotton shirt and waist. She carried a baby in her crooked arm. She was preparing breakfast.

She was frying bacon. The writer went near the stove to warm his shivering and cold body. The tent flake jerked up at the writer and there came a young man. followed by an old man. They were sharp-faced men and they looked much alike. They looked and exchanged greetings with him. All of them sit around the stove in order to warm their hands.

The woman placed the tin cups on to packing box. She also set tin plates, knives, and forks out too. She placed before them the friend and baked food. The writer was also invited to have breakfast. They breakfasted together. The old ma expressed his gratitude to God for providing them breakfast and twelve day's work.

everybody in this poor family is an embodiment of contentment. They are satisfied with whatever they get for their labor. They thank god through thick and thin. The writer is highly impressed with their hospitality.

But if we compare the people of the modern age, we come to know that they are not satisfied in their lives. They lead a life of vanity and affectation. They are never satisfied with their wealth. They always complain about getting very little in life. They always protest against the government and the system. They lead a life of glitter and show. They are denied the bliss of contentment and simplicity of life. Actually, the writer wants to give us a message that we must adopt the aspect of contentment if we want to be happy.

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