Summary and theme of the poem Images and Impressions (Autumn) by T. E. Hulme

In this article, I have to give a summary, theme, critical appreciation and, reference to the context of the Autumn by T. E. Hulme for the students of Punjab University. This poem is included in the syllabus of the B.A. students of Punjab University.I have also given reference to the context and introduction of the poet and poem.

Summary of the poem Autumn

 Images and impressions

1. Autumn ( T. E. Hulme)

Introduction of the poet

Thomas Earnest Hulme was an English poet. He has a great influence on modernism. He was also a great philosopher. 

Introduction of the poem

The poem Autumn by r. E. Hulme shows the keen observation of the poet who presents a graphic of an autumn night. The poet compares the moon with red-faced farmers and stars with white-faced children who live in the polluted urban environment.

T. E. Hulme has presented a graphic picture of an autumn night. He left a cold sensation caused by the effect of the cold night during winter night when he was writing about. he saw the moon which had fresh healthy color and it seemed as if it was bending over the hedge. The face of the moon looked exactly like the face of a vigorous farmer.

 The poet had not time to stop and talk with the moon. Though he did not have time to appreciate his beauty yet he moved his head slightly to greet the moon. Around the autumn moon, there were eager stars who were looking like town children who had white and pale faces. 

The poet has used similes in the poem, red moon like a face of a farmer and stars like town children. There is a contrast between the red face of the farmer and the to nature and in a pollution-free world. But the children of cities are so weak and feeble and have white and pale faces because of the polluted environment. The presentation and description of the poem are very good.

Critical Appreciation 

In this poem, the poet tells us about an autumn night. He was walking outside. The atmosphere was very cold. He saw ht moon shining over a hedge. The moon was looking like a ref-faced healthy farmer working in his fields. The poet has used the reference of the farmer to show the clean, fresh, and healthful atmosphere of villages where the farmer lives. The poet did not stop for few moments to talk with the moon. He shook his head and moved away. Around the moon, there were wistful stars. They were white like white-faced children of cities or towns. This reference is used here to show the dirty and polluted environment of cities. Usually, the faces of the people of cities are white which shows a lack of health and freshness.

The poet felt a cold sensation caused by the effect of a cold night during a winter night when he was walking about. He saw the moon which had fresh healthy color and it seemed as if it was bending over the hedge. The face of the moon looked exactly like the face of a vigorous farmer. The image of a healthy farmer has been successfully conveyed with the help of the simile moon. The poet compared the ruddy face of the moon with the ruddy face of a farmer. The farmers mostly remain in the open and the fresh air keeps them in good health and their faces turn red and shining. The presentation and description of the poet are very good.

Reference to the Context


These lines have been borrowed from the short poem "Autumn" by T. E. Hulme.


This poem is about autumn. Hulme describes an autumn night in an interesting way. The poet goes out on an autumn night in winter. The poet observes the moon and the stars. The moon appears as a red-faced farmer ad the stars seem like the white faces of the town children The poet is impressed by the moon and stars only. The red-colored moon has magical enchantment for him.

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